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Love all Animals

Autor: Hermann Scheer · Rubrik:


Who knows the Macrocosm right?

We are in the year 7X10-9, it´s very cold outside.

There´s a heavy cloud coming quickly together

and the prebang has been done.

The clod´s going out. A lot of spice followed down making its look-in better.

Nevertheless came some Ice-Planets and sat on her knees to give her the kiss of life.

There´s no reason under the sun why she shouldn´t do rising.

Her stomach´s rumbling ´cause much dust is in the presoupe.

In that dirty water the nuclide acid and protein dance both attendance on them.

And they thought to themselves, if you can´t beat the system join it.

Well, they like the identical breeding with an independent existence.

After millions years of rains, the animals came follow, forming the liveline.

And in another billion of time the human-being has been born.

One of them´s named Lucy, at home in the desert street of Afar.

From the tree of the north wind of Australopithecus.

She was very lean, only thirty kilos, and waif.

It was in November 1974 as Don has found her sleeping waking up to him.

He´s seen no eyes but a soul in stone.

He´s never been so happy and to the best memory of mine,

here are a couple of descendants who lived apart.

Einstell-Datum: 2009-11-16

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